Can I hear music while sleeping? Will music effect the power of the rings?


Posted by Daniel Jung on June 08, 192002 at 13:28:01:

Hi Alex!

I have been using your rings for about two weeks, I am 14 and I have been getting acupuncture on the head for 4 years. I got ten needles on the head. I was feeling good but let me tell you this: THE RINGS ARE MORE EFFECTIVe THAN ACUPUNCTURE! I am serious! I felt much better when I have been using the rings in a 30-minute nap. Though I have some questions to ask you:
1: On the third night that I have been wearing the regular immortality rings, I took off the left ring when I woke up. I didn't remember taking it off, but I took it off. Do you know why?
2: When people say that it was difficult to sleep with the rings on the first couple of weeks, I had the same feeling too. Before I got the rings, Iuse music to make me go to sleep (and it is not classical). I think that music will help me go to sleep faster with the rings on. But will the music interfere with the healing process?
Thanks in advance and I hope I will soon get a reply because the last time I sent the questions, I never got a reply, so please reply.

Daniel Jung.
ANSWER: THe music will effect the power of the rings. The music will decrease the healing power, so I don't recommend hearing music while asleep.
