The reason why your hands would automatically grab the hamburger before you use your mouth is because your hands are more conductive than your mouth. Frequencies always want to travel by a faster, more conductive line.
grab for hamburger
The next most conductive organ is your mouth. So after you used your hands, you exercise the mouth.
Why do you say that the hands are the most conductive? If they are, why don't the hands eat food for the body? Well, remember this picture? Please wait to see picture move.
Actually, the hands are "distancewise" more conductive than the mouth. They are more conductive since they are closer to the food. The mouth is far away from the food, and therefore the mouth is less conductive.

Actually, your feet are even more "distancewise" conductive than your hands. When you see food from far away, you utilize your feet to walk to the food, then you pick up the food with your hand. then you chew it. So the feet is more "distancewise" conductive than hands.
