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The sunrise.




Poem #39   Japan invades China

When sun rises, everyone cries.  The air of December is not good.   South mountain has a bird, and the North is fallen.  When the chicken makes a noise, the sun shall set.

Explanation:  The sun represents the Empire of Japan.  The air of December is not good.  On December 9th, 1941, China declared war on Japan.  South mountain means Hong Kong, French Indochina, and Philippines.  South mountain has a bird means there is danger in the south.  North is fallen means Manchuria, the north of China, has already been conquered by the Japanese.  When the chicken makes a noise, the sun shall set.  The chicken, in Chinese calendar, also represents September or the west.  In this case, chicken represents the west, which is USA.  When USA dropped atomic bomb on Japan, the sun shall set.


Iching sign: River on top of wind

Astrological sign:  9th of yen


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3 kids are voting.


Poem #40   The first elected president of China

1, 2, 3, and 4.  A landlord without a land.  Little government, functions beside the communists.  The one from the east is snobbish.  On the head, there is no Mao.  And on his feet, there are no shoes.   If Lee comes out, the frost will dissolve.  The one who created me is the monkey, and the one who killed me is the bear.

Explanation:  1, 2, 3, 4 means 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10.  That means the Republic of China will have 10 presidents.  Right now, Chen Sui Bien of Taiwan is the 10th president.   So Chen will be the last president of the Republic of China.  So this prophecy foretold that Chen will either declear independence of Taiwan and change the name from 'Republic of China' into 'Republic of Taiwan', or Taiwan will be invaded and be conquered by the Communist China.   A landlord without a land means the first few presidents of Taiwan have no control over China although they said they represent the entire China.  Little government functions beside the communists.  The one from the east is snobbish.    On the head, there is no Mao means Taiwan, an island located in the East coast of China, does not take orders from Mao.  On his feet, there are no shoes means Taiwan has no adequate weapons and it does not have enough people to back it up.  If Lee comes out, the frost will dissolve.  This points to Lee Deng Huay.  Lee Deng Huay was the 9th president.  When Lee took over the office, he allowed the Taiwanese citizens to visit China.  China and Taiwan also started  import/exporting in his era.  So the frost between China and Taiwan did dissolve when Lee appeared.  'The one who created me is the monkey, and the one who killed me is the bear.' Monkey, in Chinese astrology, represents the West.   The West is USA.  USA was the one which helped the Republic of China come to power.  So this means that the USA created the Republic of China.  The bear represents Soviet Union.  Soviet Union helped the Communist China come to power.   So the bear is the one which will kill the Republic of China.  This indicates that in the future, the Communist China will destroy Taiwan!  All right!  Give me 5!

Iching sign: Mountain on top of wind

Astrological sign:  10th of mao


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A man steps on the sun.


Poem #41   People's Republic of China is established.

God is blind.  The grass and trees grew downward.  + and - switch positions.  Up is earth, and down is the sun.  Everyone must wear red on his head without a head.  Abusing the power, when will this end?  9 and 19 years of big mistake. 

Explanation: The grass and trees grew downward. + and - switch positions.  Up is earth, and down is the sun. Every sentence described the characteristic of communism, which ignored the importance of economy and defied social status.  Everyone must wear red on his head without a head means everyone blindly followed communism.  People don't use their brains.  Nobody realized that communism is nothing but a big joke.  9 and 19 years of big mistake means 28 years of misery for China.   (9 + 19 = 28)  Mao established the People's Republic of China in 1949, and he died in the year 1976.  That's exactly 28 years!  (You must count 1949 as 1 year, as how a traditional Chinese would count.)

Iching sign: Fire (Li)

Astrological sign:  1st of Chen


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Poem #42   Song, Ching-Lin

A beautiful woman comes from the west.  The dynasty becomes peaceful.  The bow is on the ground.  Dangerous, but not so dangerous.   She messes with the government.

Explanation:  Song Ching-Lin was the wife of Sun Wen, the establisher of People's Republic of China.  She studied in United States before she returned to China to marry Sun.  When she came to power in the 1920s, China became a lot more peaceful and economy has improved quite a bit.  In 1926, she publicly accused Chiang, Kai-Shek of being a traitor of the Republican Party.   The bow is on the ground.  Dangerous, but not so dangerous means Chiang Kai-Shek would like to murder her just like the way how he murdered all of his other opponents.  But too bad that Song was the wife of the deceased founder of the Republican Party.  Murdering her will also ruin Chiang's own reputation.  And on top of that, Song was also the sister of Chiang's wife.   Each time Chiang came up with a plan to physically hurt Song, his wife always ruined his plan in order to protect her sister.  Therefore, she spoke out against Chiang's government with full potential and successfully led many mass protests against Chiang.

Iching sign: Fire on top of hard soil

Astrological sign:  2nd of yi

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A big guy raises his hand to hit the small guy, and the small guy also raises his hand to hit the big guy. 

Poem #43   China and Taiwan

King is not king.  Noble is not noble.  At first it's difficult.  At the end, it resolves.  The black rabbit escapes into the green dragon's cave.  Want to end, but don't feel like ending.  The branch has grew outside of the fence.  30 years will the offspring grow.

Explanation:  King is not king.   Noble is not noble means Cheng Kai-Shek has escaped to Taiwan.  He no longer is the ruler of China, but he also does not take orders from Mao.  The black rabbit escapes into the green dragon's cave.  Cheng is the black rabbit.  Black rabbit means Cheng is an old fox.   In Chinese astrology, the green dragon represents the east.  This means Cheng escapes to the east (Taiwan) and found a new shelter.  Want to end, but don't feel like ending means Cheng refused to recognize the communist government as the legal government of China.  Cheng swore to take China back from the communists.  The branch has grew outside of the fence.  30 years will the offspring grow means Taiwan will be isolated from China for 30 years before the republican government allows Taiwanese citizens to visit China.


Iching sign: Fire on top of wind

Astrological sign:  3rd of noon


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Poem #44  Mao Tze-Dong

The sun and the moon brightened the sky.  All darkness are washed away.  Now China has a saint.  Not a smart person, but he's still OK.  All foreign countries recognize him as the new king.  Everything is going great!    

Explanation:  When Mao Tze-Dong took over China, everything was going great.  The communist party proposed new laws which benefited the majority of the people.  For example, they prohibited men marrying more than 1 wives.   They prohibited the use of drugs and prostitution.  They executed all famous gangsters.  The liberation army took over Tibet and ended Tibet's inhumane slave trade and ridiculous religious laws.  Everyone called Mao a saint.


Iching sign: Fire on top of water

Astrological sign:  4th of wei


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Soldiers are attacking from the east.  The funny thing is there are 2 soldiers in this drawing.  One represents the Korean War, and the other represents the Vietnamese War.


Poem #45   Korean War

Guests come from the west.  They stop at the east.  They wash away our shame with metal, water, wood, and fire.  The luck has come, and everyone in the world is now equal.   Their metal turtles lie in the white ocean.  From now on, they don't dare to call themselves 'bosses'.  Their luck ends here.   

Explanation:  Americans came to invade Korea, but they were confronted by the Liberation Army.  At first, the Americans thought that Chinese soldiers are easy to crush.  But soon they realized that China is not that easy to handle.

  • They wash away our shame with metal, water, wood, and fire.   (Out of 5 basic elements, the soil element is missing.)  This sentence means that foreign invaders will not gain one inch of soil from asia.

Metal turtles lie in the white ocean means tanks are rolling in the snow.  In both the Korean War and the Vietnamese War, Americans lost to the Chinese.  After the Americans have experienced these 2 wars, they no longer dare to say that they are the boss.

Iching sign: Mountain on top of water

Astrological sign:  5th of shen


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Poem #46   Pang, De-Hyai

Darkness.  Don't need to draw a sword to kill someone.   Thousands of people don't die, but one person cannot escape.  One soldier carries bow and arrows.  He kept saying that he is older.  But Dong has the golden sword.  And knights will rush in from the back door. 

Explanation:  After Mao has screwed China for many years, Pang, De-Hyai, a five-star general, started to openly complain about Mao's stupid policy.   Pang and Mao started shouting at each other in a conference meeting.  Thousands of people don't die, but one person cannot escape means Mao threatened to lead a part of the liberation army to confront Pang's troops if Pang does not resign.  So Pang did resign in order to avoid a civil war.  He kept saying that he is older means Pang said that he knows more than Mao.  Dong has the golden sword means Mao Ze-Dong has all the power.  Knights will rush in from the back door means Pang was dragged out from the back door of his house by the red guards.  Don't need to draw a sword to kill someone means the red guards did not physically beat him.  Pang died of extreme embarrassment and anger in front of thousands of red guards.


Iching sign: Wind on top of water

Astrological sign:  6th of yo

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Poem #47    Liu Shao-Ch'i

Study war and learn literature.  This person has talent.  All depends on him.  Whatever he says counts.  No emperor and no king will be there to rule.  This guy is the first guy to come to the farm.  He studied so hard, and it paid off.

Explanation: Liu Shao-Ch'i, the Chief of the communist party of China, was predicted in this poem.  Unlike the stupid farmer Mao, Liu was a honored college student who studied in Moscow.  No emperor and no king will be there to rule means after Mao messed up, people looked up to Liu.  Liu became the chairman and the head of state of the party.  Mao was still the king of China, but Mao no longer ruled.  What ever Liu said was the law.  This guy is the first guy to come to the farm means after Mao made people abandon their farms to go work on steel production (which resulted the biggest famine in world history), Liu ordered the farmers back to their farms and cultivate.  He studied so hard, and it paid off means Liu's policy will generate great results.  Liu practiced modern economic and market development.  He was about to alter the course of China.


Iching sign: Old male on top of water

Astrological sign:  7th of shu



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Poem #48    Liu Shao-Chi's success

The economy rising.  He does not kill the criminal even though he has the golden sword in hand.  One hell of a knight in 50 years.  Green crops are growing out of the farms.

Explanation:  After Liu took control, the economy started to rise.  Liu allowed farmers to sell their own produce as a side business.  He does not kill the criminal even though he has the golden sword in hand means Liu was the head of state and the chairman of the party, but he didn't remove Mao from the party.  That was Liu's biggest mistake.  After Liu took control, the famine ended.


Iching sign: Fire on top of hard soil

Astrological sign:  8th of hai


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Poem #49    Mao strikes back

Separation begins.  Leaders form clans.  Everyone is a hero.   One person tells everyone to separate.  "Separate the East from the West.   Separate the North from the South."

Explanation: Mao got jealous of Liu, and he decided to strike back.  He announced in front of millions of citizens at Tienanmen Square that Liu is the traitor of China and a traitor of the communist party because Liu is copying the American capitalists.  All of a sudden, Liu became public enemy # 1.  Leaders start to form clans.  The entire communist party separated into few clans.

Iching sign: Soil (Quen)

Astrological sign:  9th of tze


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Poem #50   The red guard and the cultural revolution

Beasts are more valuable than humans.  White rice and food devaluate.  Like tigers, like wolves, they march on the streets.  Mess up the entire place until the sky clears up again.

Explanation:  Beasts are more valuable than humans means the red guards dragged innocent people out on the street to torture them.  Red guards were always right, and you were always wrong.  You are the guilty one, so you deserve to be punished.  Millions of young people marched from all provinces of China to Peking to see leader Mao.  White rice and food devaluate.  On the march, they ate for free because citizens gave them what ever food they wanted without charging them a cent.   

Iching sign: Soil on top of thunder

Astrological sign:  10th of chou


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Poem #51   The rise of Jiang Ching and the 'Gang of Four'

Positive and negative mix.  Become correct.  After the effection from a woman comes to pass, it's all peaceful again.  Who said this woman is as hard as steel?  Her effection actually moves everyone's heart.  There will be a change in the weather.   Her time is 1 and 6, healthy and long live.

Explanation:  Jiang Ching was Mao's wife.  After Liu Shao Ch'i has been killed by the red guards, Jiang Ching has played a major roll in Chinese politics.  She has motivated the cultural revolution with her talented acting skill on theatre stages and on radio shows from 1966 - 1976.  After the effection from a woman comes to pass, it's all peaceful again means after Mao died in 1976, she was immediately arrested by another party leader.  At first, they gave her a death sentence.  But later on, the party lowered her sentence to a 'life in prison'.  She has been locked up in jail until she allegedly committed suicide in May of 1991.  There will be a change in the weather, and her time is 16 and long live means from the year of her arrest (1976) until the year she died (1991), it was exactly 16 years (If you count 1976 as a year, just like how a Chinese would count.).  A change in the weather could mean that they lowered her sentence from a death sentence to a 'life in prison'.  She died at the age 78.

Iching sign: Earth on top of river

Astrological sign:  1st of yen


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Poem #52  Border conflict with Soviet Union (1969)

See a falling star, which means bad luck in the North-East.  A man must do what a man must do.  The spearhead points to the East.  There still is an emperor in the South.  The visitors won't stay for long.  We still have a business to run.

Explanation:  In the year 1969, Russians invaded few North-East provinces of China.  Mao played tough with the Soviets and decided to fight back.  Mao showed the Soviets that there still is an emperor in the South.  In the end, Chinese have successfully driven out the invaders.

Iching sign: Soil on top of old male

Astrological sign:  2nd of mao


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Poem # 53    Deng Xiaoping

Born to be king.  He is a gentle scholar.  He believes in the natural ways of life.  A loyal son comes from the west.  He holds the power and brought peace to China.  Two beautiful flags are floating in the palace.  The descendent is better than the ancestor.

Explanation:  He believes in the natural ways of life means Deng did not believe in communism.  He transformed China into an economic superpower by pacing the capitalist way. A loyal son comes from the West means Deng studied in France.  "A loyal son" means he was born in China, and now he came back from the West.  Two beautiful flags are floating in the palace means Deng allowed the existence of both communism and capitalism. The descendent is better than the ancestor means Deng is better than Mao.

Iching sign: Thunder on top of old male

Astrological sign:  3rd of chen


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An image of a group of children forcing the cow to move forward.  (The cow represents the slowly changing Chinese society.   This image gives me a picture of a protest.)

Poem # 54 Tienanmen Square Massacre

Messy, a deadly result, a peaceful ending.  People laugh but cry.

They don't think logically.   Shave the hair, peal the skin, and still act tough.       Out of this incident a real dragon is born.  The 9 Curves Yellow River's water is not yellow.

Explanation: This poem predicted that a group of kids will protest against the government.  The kids don't think logically.   This protest has a messy, deadly result.  But it will end peacefully.  This poem is talking about 1989's Tiananmen Square incident.  About 300 students were killed.  Shave the hair, peal the skin, and still act tough means the college kids wore only pajamas and fasted for nearly 1 week, but they still act tough.   Out of this incident a real dragon is born means that a new leader will rise to power because of this. The 9 Curves Yellow River's water is not yellow is basically telling us the new leader's name.  There are two main rivers in China.  One is the 'Yellow River', and the other one is the 'Long Brook'.  (Foreigners call it "Yangtze River".)   If the 9 Curves Yellow River's water is not Yellow, it must be pointing at the Long Brook because Long Brook's water is clear.  The Long Brook also has 9 main curves.  The word for "Brook" in Chinese is "Jiang".  Therefore, Jiang Ze-Min becomes the new leader of China.  At first,  Deng Shao-Ping  wanted to let  Zhao Ze-Yang  become the next leader.  But during the Tiananmen Square incident, Zhao supported the students.   Zhao was immediately arrested for supporting the students.  So instead, Jiang Ze-Ming becomes the next leader.

Both the Yellow River and the Long Brook have 9 main curves.

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Astrological sign: 4th of Yee
I-Ching sign: River on top of Old Male
